Massive floor painting by Momo for 10 Years Parcours Street Art

Painted by Momo
Curated by All About Things for 10 Years Parcours Street Art Brussels

The centre of Brussels is well served by street art, while suburbs like Laeken hardly have any large murals on display. Until now. We recently had the opportunity to remedy that with an equal amount of pleasure, because with its concrete architecture, the Cité Modèle in Laeken truly was a treat to work in.

Not only vertically, mind you, because the American artist Momo tackled an immense concrete square there, overlooked by just about all the apartment blocks in the area. For his particularly colourful project, he received the help of local artists and young people from the neighbourhood, while the municipality in turn used this occasion to refurbish the benches and tables on the square. And in one fell swoop, it’s a welcoming neighbourhood hangout again!